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Araposin 0.2

Araposin is a small utility that can save and restore the position of your desktop icons on Mac OS X and MacOS

About - Longer version

If you have a healthy dose of OCD, (which isn't necessarily a bad thing by the way), you've probably got icons on your desktop but arranged in an exact way that make sense to you... Just me?...

Anyway, sometimes you'll open something (usually a game) which switches your desktop screen resolution to something else. After you've finished and you quit that game, you are returned to your desktop. However then you find your desktop icons are strewn everywhere. If you save your desktop icon positions, you can then just click the restore button if this ever happens (rather than having to drag every individual icon back into place).


Download 32bit version Araposin x32 (which is for Mac OS X 10.6.8 and above). Download 64bit version Araposin x64 which will work at full speed on 64bit macs, requires Mac OS X 10.7 or newer.


Araposin is free.

Version history

version 0.2 - May 2018. Initial release (0.1 was me just testing on various computers)

System requirements

Works with OSX 10.6.8 upwards. Please choose the correct version for your processor (32bit or 64bit). The processor must be an intel one, doesn't matter what intel processor. You'll also need about 6~10MB of memory. I haven't made one for older PowerPC macs, but I could if anyone is interested.

If you have any suggestions, please get in touch via email. Many thanks.

