Password Generator is for those times when you need to think of a secure password, however you want something that you might stand a chance of remembering in the future, so nothing too obscure.
Press Generate to create a password. Click the generated password to copy it to the clipboard for pasting elsewhere. There's a few options too if you need to generate a longer password. You can also add your own words by editing the included 'wordlist.txt' file.
As of November 2022, I've also added the option to generate a much more complex password (although this does mean it's much harder to remember), and I've made the harder passwords the default. To generate an easier to remember, but much less secure password, hold the shift key while you click the 'Generate' button.
Password Generator is free.
version 0.1 - Feb 2020.
version 0.2 - Feb 2021. Added a disclosure triangle to hide and show options.
version 1.1 - Nov 2022. Code cleanup and added the ability for harder passwords.
version 1.2 - Aug 2023. Holding the shift-key and clicking generate still generates a simple password, but these can also be considered moderately secure now.
Tested with Xubuntu Linux 19.10, Mac OS 10.11 and Windows 10 build 1903.
If you have any suggestions, please get in touch via email. Many thanks.