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xspf to folder

xspf to folder searches for files mentioned in an xspf playlist, and creates a copy of them in a folder of your choice. This is handy when you want to burn them to CD, or copy to a memory stick for example.


Download xspf-to-folder_linux for 64bit debian Linux.
Download xspf-to-folder_mac for Mac OS 10.8 and higher (intel)
Download xspf-to-folder_windows for Windows 7 and higher (intel)

How to install

To install, uncompress the archive in a folder of your choice and double click to run. On Linux you might have to right-click and choose 'allow to run as a program'. On Mac OS and Windows, you may have to allow the program to run by clicking allow when prompted.

If you have any suggestions, please get in touch via email. Many thanks.

